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Make a perfect presentation
with impactful & responsible packaging

Our journey to explore age old traditions and bring something exciting for you is equally focused towards packaging too. We learnt that packaging should not only protect the product but environment also. So, we have designed some cool packaging based on ancient practices and values for you.

Origami is around 2000-year-old Japanese technique of paper folding. We have used this technique and blended grass with paper to create elegant and bio-degradable packaging for you. Origami style makes it foldable and easy to store and reuse in future.

These reusable, bio-degradable and foldable packings keep tons of garbage out of landfills, reduce the volume of empty containers by 80-90% and makes your personal space absolutely decluttered.

We are inspired with ultimate minimalism and aesthetics of Japanese Furoshiki Wrapping and would like you to experience it. Furoshiki, a traditional part of the Japanese way of life, are squares of fabric used for carrying, storing and wrapping things.

allmyCraft's Furoshiki inspired packaging adds versatility to the regular wrapping, as these can later be used to pack your home-made gifts. Sustainable alternative to traditional packing, the cloth piece can later add a zing to your wardrobes and be used as scarf or as a simple covering or cleaning fabric depending upon the fabric you have.

These reusable, sustainable and foldable packings are responsible alternative to the regular plastic-coated gift bags and boxes that you could be using these days.

allmyCraft's designs make the products memorable and creates a sense of belongingness for you. You will not only use our products; you are going to experience it!

Our design story cards are all such stories in your hand. Communicate and connect with your loved ones through the design cards, especially designed to convey the story, message or inspiration behind the design of every product curated by allmyCraft.

"Packaging can be theater; it can create a story - Steve Jobs"

Our packaging transforms the gift into an amazing experience and make it part of your long-lasting memories.


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