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Functionality, Aesthetics and Nature Friendliness are Together

Functionality, Aesthetics and Nature Friendliness are Together

Heard this?

Design must be functional, and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained.

What makes a product great? Obvious answer is the one which meets our expectations.

But another question down the line which matters is that what element in the product gives us sense of satisfaction and keeps us engrossed for a longer period?

Is it only the functionality part which solves our problems and aesthetics part connects us with the product emotionally. Or is there something beyond that?

One thing which is coming to my mind now is a Japanese term-Ikigai meaning "a reason for being", "reason to enjoy life".

How about if we add Ikigai i.e meaning to our beloved possessions?

The ancient Indian text (Vastu Shastra) says about three prime elements in a product:

Functionality: Solves our problems 

Aesthetics: Satisfy our emotions 

Nature friendliness:  Connects us with our purpose and meaning of living


 The first one has short life span,

second stays with us for longer duration and

the third one is the long lasting as this is connected with our instinct.

We are surrounded with numerous gadgets around us but still we feel empty inside. Within no time we are on look for another gadget and thus end up being stuck into vicious cycle of buying more and more products and yet being unsatisfied because of our orientation towards buying. Perhaps we are giving more emphasis to functionality and less to aesthetics and neglecting connect element.

Our purpose of life could be in sync to the Mother Nature. This can be search of nature friendliness in daily life, as our responsibility to care earth. Or inspirational value, that helps us to achieve the purpose and meaning of life. Or something else that connects us with core values living.

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