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Stay connected to your roots..

Stay connected to your roots..

Beautiful anecdote..worth reading :-)

Conversation between a father and his son...

A father is flying high a kite and son watches him keenly. Son, out of his curiosity asks his father... Dad! because of the string attached the kite is not able to go further higher..I feel you should break the string and let the kite soar high.

Father smiled hearing this and breaks the string attached to the kite.

The kite goes higher after getting separated from the string... the son becomes very happy seeing this and feels a sense of achievement, after all what is thought was right.

But his happiness was cut short and the kite began descending soon and falls on the ground within no time.

The son is very sad and depressed now.

His father comes closer to the son and politely explains him...

Son, this is life! After we reach a level of success and prosperity in life, we feel that certain “things” are not letting us grow further. “Things” like our family, home, culture, tradition etc. and we tend to suffocate and break free from these strings, in order to grow further and rise sky high. 

But son, always remember going high is always easier that staying stable at the same higher level.

It is these “things” of our family, culture, tradition etc. that help us stay stable also, at the higher position, which we have achieved in life. If we break away from these strings, our condition is going to be very similar to this kite!

Remember to fly high but stay grounded.

“There are two things we should always give our children: one is roots and the other is wings”. Wings to show what they can become and roots to remind where they are from !!

Life is Beautiful..  Stay connected to your roots...

live URBAN stay ROOTED :-)


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