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India is Conch Shaped?

India is Conch Shaped?

Ever analysed the shape of our country on world map?  Inner part of the ear (Cochlea)? Doesn’t these resemble a conch shell!!


Why the shell of an aquatic animal has gained so much importance since ages? There ought to be some relation between our past and present. The origin of conch relates back Hinduism belief when there was an ocean churn between the gods and demons and one of the outcome which went to gods was the auspicious conch. For almost all Hindu Gods have their own personalised conches.

Even before Mahabharata, Lord Krishna is said to have blown conch to mark the beginning of the war. Since then blowing of Shankha (Conch in Sanskrit) is said to have assumed its own importance. The sound generated through blowing of conch is said to resemble sacred sound of AUM in Hinduism. Negative energies cannot bear the sound from conch. It is said that the sound waves coming when the conch is blown kills all the bacteria and virus in the air around where the sound travels. Thus, spreading positivity around.

It is believed to be abode of not only Queen conch but also it is said that sun, moon and varuna reside at the bottom of conch, Lord Prajapathi at the upper part and all the sacred rivers and waterfalls in the front of conch.

Conch is a perfect confluence of science and spirituality.


Conch can sound at the same fundamental frequency of OM i.e 7.83 hertz. This 7.83 hertz is also known as heart beat frequency of the earth or Schumann’s resonance. Because the waves created by conch is scalar i.e which can pass through objects, so the sound of the conch cannot only be heard by the human ear but also human heart and providing a soothing effect on whole being.

Again, the air passage inside the inner curvature of the conch is based on Fibonacci series ( each number is a sum of the previous two). The ratio of the successive pairs is so called golden ratio. This golden ratio is the universal law inherent in the structures endeavouring for beauty and completeness whether cosmic or individual, acoustic or ocular.

Shankha represents a number too- one zillion (1 and 17 zeros)

By blowing conch, thyroids can be cured, by killing the bacteria from sound waves, this prevents cholera etc diseases.  Respiratory and lungs problem too get cured on blowing it. Neck muscles too stretch and with complete blood circulation, the brain gets nourished.


The water filled in conch contains sulphur and calcium in high amount and helps in detoxifying both body and soul when we drink this water, it cleanses intestines and relives stomach pain, skin diseases etc. 

Stutters(disorder in speech) does gets cured on drinking this water. Ash of the conch is used in various ayurvedic medicines. Listening or rather feeling its vibrations have resulted in reducing deaf and dumb problem in human race.


Even dark tanned cow’s milk when kept in shankha and used in home purification rituals shall eliminate all the vastu doshas.

Our Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose has already proved the power of conch scientifically long back.

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