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Science of Visualisation : Yantra

Science of Visualisation : Yantra

Yantra is a geometric pattern made of certain shapes representing cosmic forces. Yantra is a sanskrit word made of:

YAM – meaning to sustain/centralise or streamline energy

TRA – meaning instrument

Yantra is a classic example of ancient visual science and energy channelization. The yogis have developed a whole range of yantra based on impact of watching certain shapes or combination of it. They have not only developed this but also explained the meaning of shape effect as component of yantra. 

THE DOT – placed at the centre of any yantra represents the point from where the entire universe originated and has potential for creation. It is supposed to be the focal point of concentration for practitioners and must be smallest.

THE TRAINGLE – the upward pointing equilateral triangle represents passive principle or male energy or water etc whereas downward pointing represents active principle or female energy or fire. The combination of both triangles called star and represents union of Shiva(male) and Shakti(female) energy.

THE SQUARE – is the outer limit of Yantra called “bhupur” represents the earth.

THE CIRCLE – represents the air and movement of energy. Directing energy in circle is the way to retain and conserves it.

THE LOTUS PETAL – represent the purity and dimensions of life. The number of petals usually varies and specific alphabets (“Beej Mantra”) being written on each petal basis purpose and energy to be channelized.  

The teaching of ancient shape science says; triangle represents mysticism. If you are surrounded by more triangular objects around you for long time, you may become over thinker, obsessive or impatient. Square or rectangles represent earth, which means static, calm etc. They therefore have guided to keep decor, furniture etc in square or rectangular shape at home. The circle (round) represents movement of energy so they have guided to form circle whenever we do energy related act like meditation, mantra chanting etc. The guidance of “siddhasana”, joining hands and touching lips on upper jaws etc are the examples. 

The yantra becomes more effective after combing vibration effect (mantra) along with visual aspect of it. The yantra therefore is amalgamation of three principle i.e. form principle, function principle and power principle. 

FORM PRINCIPLE – called “Akriti Rupa” i.e inner or hidden form of structures. If you have yantra where geometric shapes are clearly visible, then just looking into it will shape your temperament and thinking in desired direction. The yantra therefore is advised to have bigger in size and have easily differentiating shapes so that mind can easily recognise the shape.

FUNCTION PRINCIPLE – called “Kriya Rupa”. It has specific mantra written into it which tells you the kind of vibrations you need to create the desired effect.

POWER PRINCIPLES – called “shakti Rupa’. Yantra is energised under strict guideline and rituals by experienced practitioners to make it more effective. The process called “pran-pratishtha” 

In short, “symbols” connect to “deity” in a physical yantra and “mantra” creates the energy field of deity in this. The benefits of Power principle are bestowed upon by keeping yantra of adequate size and visibility with oneself and gazing it regularly.

It is not that the God promised life without sorrows, pain or rain. But he definitely promised strength for the day, comfort for crying eyes, light for the way and anticipation of solution to all your problems, through your knowledge, experience and power of Yantra- vedic code of Life!

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