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Midlife - a Crisis ! ..... Really?

Midlife - a Crisis ! ..... Really?


Same job, same house, same daily routine, even same spouse Cool.....everything is same……so “deeeeep crisis”! Bored to the core!

Welcome to midlife Laughing

You have dealt with plethora of situations by now in your life, have gained enough experience to tackle each quickly… Isnt it?  So is this not a reason to celebrate? Or is it a crisis that you know how to tackle many things so it is soooo boring?

This “everything is same” is just your mental block where you are not willing to accept that things around you are changing!  Just look around… even, everything inside you is also changing. 

Isnt it the time to be happy ! that the problems of youth are over and problems of old age are yet to come..

Midlife is actually balanced time of life. 

Because you get identified with one stage of life, the next stage feels like a crisis.

Midlife is actually, once again a time to re-organize your mind, body, emotion, and energy. 

Just because you are not as energetic as you were when youthful, doesn’t mean this midlife has become crisis for you.

Look around; every moment, every day is changing but your mind has become stagnated and cyclical. And you are so preoccupied with your mind that you consider yourself in some crisis. 

But if you are involved with life, you will never feel any crisis. What is required is to break the monotony of life situations and take more interest in whatever you are doing. 

Just be more proud of yourself, that now in mid life you are more mature to handle situations. Dont just unnecessary fall to your mind.

This crisis is only in your mind. Change is a natural process of evolution...Lets be more receptive to feel it Smile


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