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Are you a Lotus?

Are you a Lotus?

Heard this!

“No mud, no lotus.”

The nature has positioned everything around us in codes for a specific significance. It is up to us to decipher and understand these codes at the correct time.

I am sure we all would have read about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs consisting of physiological, safety, belongingness, and esteem and finally self-actualisation needs.While we attempt to achieve the first four needs, it is the fifth need- the need of self-actualisation wherein we face the tussle. 

This fifth need is the need of achieving one’s full potential including the creative activities.

We all face our own share of trials and tribulations in life but we end up either falling prey to these atrocities or giving up in between. How many of us have arisen above these outrages?

Perfect example of this is the lotus flower. Out of the murkier, muddy water comes out a perfect symmetrical flower with absolutely no mud or water on it.

The flower opens during the day, blossoms and during night it closes and go back below the water.

As the lotus flower comes out, marks its presence, unfolds above the sludge and doesn’t get dirty so we also ought to come out of adverse situation life with a bang!

Take the salty and bitter experience of life and turn into beautiful fragrances around you. Come out shining from the darkness of the traumas of this life.

Unfold beautifully when the heat of life is on!

Lotus flower is in the world yet standing off the world.

As the lotus flower opens up beautifully petal by petal from the bud. So is the potential in each one of us to be unfolded like each and every petal. Recognise your potential and reach the zenith.

Don’t let your spirit die before your last breathe.

Lotus flower goes down to the hell every night and with the rays of the sun bounce back in life every morning with full vigour.

So is our mind which open up and expands with the light of knowledge. Never let that seed of learning dry up in yourself.

Many Hindu Gods are depicted with reference to Lotus Flower. While Buddha is meditating on lotus, Goddess Laxmi is said to have emerged out of Lotus. Even in Jainsim, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, China it has own relevance.

Life is not only measured by the height one has reached but it is also measured from the depth from which one has risen up.

Be your own saviour, don’t be victim rise above.

Are you a lotus?


Think it on!!!



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