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Machines offer perfection at the cost of emotional connect

Machines offer perfection at the cost of emotional connect

Machines have made our life easy and more relaxed…no doubt about it. These fulfil the needs of masses coupled with incredible speed beyond our imagination and perfection outside our purview. But as they say every coin has two sides. So there has to be a flip side of this. But more important to understand is that is the flip side more critical? I leave that up to you to decide but let’s know and discuss.

Intellectual comprehension, feeling and emotion are in inevitably interwoven with how we think. But can machines think? Obvious answer is no. 

Humans have developed and tuned the machines which promotes and facilitates mass production and cost effectiveness resulting in consumerism, overproduction and wastage. 


It is emotion and feelings that differentiate us from other living creatures on this planet. The most important element that machine cannot gives is passion and emotional connect which is very vital for survival of human being. Machine can build things with perfection and speed, but cannot make things with love and passion. We don’t see making, selling and buying anything just a mechanical process or a profit game. It is also a caring, sharing and valuing system.Handcrafted is something that makes you breathe with altogether a different kind of happiness.


The machine made therefore cannot be substitute of handmade. Where accuracy and precision is required there is no substitute for machine made but where emphasis has to be on compassion and inner connect; handmade scores the most.

Feel and experience the difference. There is clear visible variance in the reactions of the loved ones when the gifts are presented to them with sentiments than the one which is going with the wind.



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