Hispanics Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 in US to honour the history, culture and contribution of past generations that came in from Spain, Mexico, Caribbean and Central & South America.
The celebration starts Sept. 15, marking the independence anniversary of five countries: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala; following by others during the month.
Hispanics are the largest immigrant group that exhibits cultural sustainability. Some interesting facts about these:
Family comes first: Hispanic is a close-knit community and family is the most important social unit for them. Extended families are considered a part of their actual family unit. The family’s needs override the individual’s own needs.
Honour Own Language: Spanish is their main language and Hispanics have strong desire to preserve it as part of their culture. With the need of time, they have adopted English as their language as well but want future U.S. Hispanic generations to speak Spanish.
Traditional and Conservative Lifestyle:Similar to Indians, Hispanic mothers are expected to take care of elderly and sacrifice for their children. Fathers are seen as figure of respect and authority, but mothers have final word.
Distinct Cultural Differences:While the men greet each other with a firm handshake, the women greet each other with a hug and a peck on the cheeks. Hispanics place great value on their appearance as a sense of dignity. Lunch is usually the main meal of the day for them. Hispanics are more spiritual in nature with more decorative homes.
Nostalgic for the Country of their Origin:Most Hispanics use their family’s country of origin to describe their identity.
You are a reflection of the heritage you grew up in!!
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