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Ditch that FOMO and Dance with JOMO

Ditch that FOMO and Dance with JOMO


Being bombarded with information from all corners, life is on the toes (if not physically, but at least mentally for sure). In a bid to be more informed, the philosophy of you snooze, you lose, becomes the motto of life. You want to be aware in all aspects of life, the feeling of not knowing more than your peer is making you feel like a loser.

You fall in the trap of FOMO... Fear of Missing Out.

This leads to stretching yourself to get the piece of everything. Result is overfed, social media fatigued, over worked and over exhausted.

Stress, anxiety, depression and feeling of being alone are then the fruits of this FOMO lifestyle. 

Time to take a pause and take a hint from the nature nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished

Its time to ditch that FOMO and switch to embracing JOMO, or the Joy of Missing Out.

Following the herd blindly never results in satisfaction. We find joy and meaning in purposely choosing our path, and walking forward confidently.

Get up and realize that the ones that get to snooze & move on are in fact, the real winners.

Use internet like any other tool, take it out for a specific purpose and then put it away.

Remember to be selective. If its not a definite yes, it is definitely a big no.

Rather than being lonely in the crowd, the joy is being with company of selected few and live life to the fullest.


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