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Lotus is divine - a symbol of creation and rebirth.

An aquatic plant which emerges from the depths of muddy marsh and grows above the water. During the day it opens, blossoms and during night it closes back and goes deep below the water. It is the only plant which bears the flower and fruit at the same time.

In different cultures lotus has emerged as a creation of marvel.

Back in Egyptian culture it is believed that during the creation of life; lotus emerged out of the pond and rose to sun thereon. 

In ancient China it was used in maths where one lotus would mean 1000, two lotus 2000 and so on. 

Lotus plays a central role in Indian religions of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. 

In Hinduism it is believed lotus emerged from navel of Lord Vishnu and then uncovering the Lord Brahma-lord of creator. It is dear to goddesses Lakshmi, Saraswati and Lord Kuber as well. 

It represents one of the Ashtamangala of Buddhism represents awakening to spiritual consciousness as purity of body, speech and mind while rooted in mud. Also, when Buddha was born he walked seven steps in ten directions and with each step a lotus appeared. 

In Christianity, it is the representation of piousness and fertility.

 Islam too has references for Lotus flower. They do prohibit cutting down lotus trees and it is believed that one who cut down lotus trees shall be thrown headfirst into hellfire.

Some spiritual aspects related with Lots flower:

As the lotus blooms with rising sun and closes at night- so is our mind which opens up and expands with the light of knowledge.

Lotus grows even in slushy areas; remaining untainted despite the surroundings. We too can and should strive to remain pure and beautiful inside under all circumstances.

Lotus never gets wet even though it is always under water. Man should strive to remain joyous in all circumstances unaffected by change and sorrow.

The seven chakras (energy centres) in our body are associated with a lotus with defined number of petals.

Even the auspicious sign of swastika is said to have emerged from Lotus.

Lotus is like just one symbol that signifies many life lessons.


Lotus and Conch together reflect the Symbol of Prosperity.


Explore about Conch Symbol here


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